原地建筑作品获得众多国内外重要奖项及认可,荣获亚洲建筑师协会建筑金奖、中国建筑学会建筑创作金奖 /中国建筑设计奖、美国HD Awards 大奖、美国IDA Awards 金奖、入选LEAF Awards(欧洲杰出建筑师论坛建筑奖)、WAF建筑奖、WAN建筑奖...,并被众多国内外专业学术期刊和国际主流建筑媒体广泛收录报道。
Origin Architect was founded in 2010 by chief architect Mr. Li Ji.Origin Archietcet wants to deeply rooted in the present reality of complication and conflict,seeks its way to coexistence and integration.
Design strategies of Origin Architect are all based on the native environment conditions, and developed from the observation and understanding of the time and the locality.
It is the intention of Origin Architect to eliminate the segregation, ignorance and confrontation associated with existing architecture and find a way for harmonious coexistence of the environment and the humanity; attempts are made to integrate globalization with local culture, private space with overall environment, urban dwellers with the nature, and the history with the future.
Origin Architect having made the above commitments, hopes to demonstrate the values of innovation with the process and results of a design, while receiving in return wisdom, passion, inspiration and happiness. It is also expected to gradually build a positive, creative atmosphere and method for the work, where vigorous and passionate designers are gathered to explore all possibilities of their lives.