1001个梦想被放飞到迪拜上空 | 1001 dreams flying into Dubai’s fresh air |
它们时而汇聚成云 | They sometimes converge like cloud floating in the air |
时而飘散如雨 | Sometimes liberate like sprinkle falling out of the sky |
忧郁时隐入茫茫星海 | merge into the silky sky with the depression |
兴奋时放射激越光芒 | While emit the brilliant light with the excitement |
它们痴迷于阳光下的结伴追逐和嬉戏 | obsess with chasing playing together under the sun |
也享受着漂浮夜空的特立独行 | Also enjoy in maverick walking alone in the night |
如果累了,就降落密林深处静静休憩 | They vanish into the dense forest while resting with peace |
再次醒来,没人知道会身处何方 | Woke up again, no one knows their whereabouts. |